
Our practice is physician-run and managed, which means you get to see the doctor at every visit, and they will answer your questions directly.
Evidence-based — our diet and medication recommendations are founded on years of rigorously conducted medical and professional trials.
We treat the whole person — addressing physical, mental, and emotional aspects, understanding that weight isn't just one thing.
Individual care — we pride ourselves on offering personalized and distinct plans for each of our clients.
Sustainable — we offer weight loss solutions that fit your lifestyle and are maintainable in the long term.
Proven results — hundreds of patients over the years have achieved their desired weight loss and successfully maintained it.
Kind environment — we strive to create a place of joy, encouragement, hope, and excitement.
A physician with years of experience in family medicine, serving as a primary care provider, and thus, understanding the impacts of obesity.

Success Stories

I started my weight loss journey with Dr Ty in the Summer of 2022 and it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. In working with Dr. Ty I feel safe and supported, and I know she truly has my best interest at heart. With Dr. Ty’s guidance, I have been able to get back to doing the activities I love and that bring joy to my life. What I value most is that Dr. Ty also digs into the underlying emotional and mental behaviors behind past eating patterns, and establish realistic and sustainable new behaviors. Dr Ty is truly passionate about helping people live their happiest and healthiest life, on their terms. My progress has exceeded my expectations and I very much look forward to continuing to work with Dr Ty.
D.B., has lost 55lbs so far
I'm writing to let everyone know that this is the best doctor ever, she goes above and beyond to help you out no matter what, she makes you feel more comfortable than ever and she gives you high hope on what you're trying to accomplish.... SHE'S AWESOME... WOULD RECOMMEND HER TO EVERYONE SHE CARES ABOUT YOU NOT JUST A DOCTOR'S VISIT
T.H., has lost 19lbs so far
Dr. T has been amazing to work with. She came up with a great plan for me which included medications and help with portion measurements. We met every month since August. I’ve lost 12 pounds and have kept it off. She’s been encouraging all along the way and I am so happy with her care and my results!
A.M., has lost 12lbs so far
Dr. Ty is absolutely amazing! I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life and have gone to countless “weight loss centers” in my adulthood hoping to find the right help. It wasn’t until I started seeing Dr. Ty that I saw an immediate change in my weight and overall health. She has an incredibly warm spirit and makes me feel very comfortable talking about my biggest insecurity! For the first time in years, I’m wanting to be in pictures again and feeling comfortable in my own skin. If you’re wanting to start your weight loss journey or you’re in a rut with your current plan, I highly recommend Dr. Ty. She is so wonderful and I have full faith in her knowledge and experience with helping her patients lose weight!
L.P., has lost 25lbs so far